
YWPL Announces New President: Monique Spence

YWPL Announces New President: Monique Spence

YWPL Events
The Young Women Professionals League (YWPL) is excited to announce the installation of its first elected Executive Leadership. In November 2020, YWPL held an inaugural election where the following members were voted into executive leadership: Monique Spence (President), Tyaisha Robinson (1st VP of Membership Services), Amari Griffin (2nd VP of Service Initiatives), and Sherri Simmons (Recording Secretary). In this announcement, we're happy to share more about our new President, Monique Spence. Monique, also known as "Coach Mo,"is a nationally recognized life coach and leadership trainer.  Monique helps individuals achieve their goals by unlocking the restraints that have held them back. Monique's expertise and experience will help  YWPL achieve its full potential by providing leadership, infrastructure and business acumen to take the League to the next level.  Monique's national network will…
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It’s June! How Do I Set Goals for the Rest of the Year?

It’s June! How Do I Set Goals for the Rest of the Year?

Business Development
I love the New Year! The turning of the calendar brings with it new possibilities for success. You remember how excited we were last year, "2020 is the year of perfect vision!" "This is my year!" "Wait until you see what goals I crush this time." We set our business goals and hit the ground running in January and February. New products were launched, new programs were started...and then the pandemic hit...and then we witnessed the loss of multiple Black lives due to hate, violence and police brutality. It's also an election year, so talk about policies, the economy and how the nation will hopefully change for the better is all over the media. It can be overwhelming! But where does that leave us and our goals? If you’re one…
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The “Gap Year” Gift

The “Gap Year” Gift

Personal Development
When the Coronavirus hit back in March and our governor gave the order to “shelter in place”, I thought certainly things will be back to normal in time for the summer. Now, as more details about this virus have come to light, we are having to face the very harsh reality that things aren’t going to get back to normal ANY time soon! All summer festivals have been cancelled. Church services, graduations, proms, the NBA season...CANCELLED! Schools have been switched to e-Learning for the remainder of the school year, and will more than likely still operate online in the Fall. A vaccine is being developed, but won’t be ready for another 12 to 18 months. So yeah. 2020 is a wash! Or is it? Perspective is KEY! About a month…
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June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020

Personal Development
This morning’s alarm clock was the sound of sirens blaring and helicopters hovering over what is usually a peaceful neighborhood. These sounds come as a response to the unrest of a hurt people. The upset of people who have been oppressed for hundreds of years. These sounds mimic the screams of the broken hearted.  This week, in particular, has been noisy.  By now, the entire country is aware of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN. He was murdered by a police officer who kneeled on his neck for 9 minutes until he died. Imagine that... NINE MINUTES. But his death alone is not what has caused all of the noise. There have been several murders of unarmed black women and men that came before his. Racism is unfortunately REAL. It…
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Is Fear Holding You Back from Pursuing Your Purpose?

Is Fear Holding You Back from Pursuing Your Purpose?

Personal Development
Consistent action leads to success, but fear is usually what holds us back. And it's not always that you're afraid to fail. In the audio lesson below, I cover five types of fear that you’ll have to push through as an entrepreneur in order to grow yourself and your business.⁣⁣⁣⁣1. Fear of failure⁣⁣2. Fear of rejection⁣⁣3. Fear of success⁣⁣4. Fear of letting go⁣⁣5. Fear of leaving others behind⁣⁣⁣⁣Your clients are out there waiting for you. There are people who need what you have to offer so they can get closer to their own goals. While you may not completely get over your fears, you can push through them, get out there and serve.⁣⁣⁣After listening to the audio lesson below, which of these fears did you identify with the most? Post…
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When Was the Last Time You Told Yourself, “I’m Proud of You?”

When Was the Last Time You Told Yourself, “I’m Proud of You?”

Personal Development
I recently posted this question on Facebook and was very shocked at the responses. Many said they had never said it; others said they couldn’t remember the last time; and a few even replied that they felt they had no reason to utter the words. I was saddened as I realized that these responses were probably because people tend to disregard the importance of their own validation, or mistakenly feel that this statement carries with it a feeling of arrogance. So, I comprised a list that includes three reasons why you should be proud of yourself. 1. Growth – Anytime you notice an improvement in your life, you should be proud of yourself. This can include personal, mental/emotional and social habits. If there were issues you noted that you desired…
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Girl Fight! Are You Ready to Face Your In-A-Me?

Girl Fight! Are You Ready to Face Your In-A-Me?

Personal Development
The only enemy that destroys us is the in-a-me. What you believe about you is the only enemy that can control you and ultimately ruin you. Regardless of what anyone has done to you (parents, lovers, friends, etc.), it will NEVER be greater than the choices you’ve made for yourself. When we waste our lives blaming others, it only keeps us from dealing with the real issues inside that never allows us to truly be free. So we must ask ourselves, what past situations or decisions are still affecting our confidence and ability to move forward and authentically be at peace? Admitting we feel hurt, or disappointment, or guilty does not make us weak. God has this amazing, abundant life waiting on us and we know it. But in order…
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Define Success on Your Own Terms

Define Success on Your Own Terms

Business Development
In this audio lesson, learn 5 pieces of conflicting business advice you'll hear about success and how they don't necessarily have to be part of your business plan. How many times have you heard that you're not successful unless you make $100,000 a year in your business or that your day is doomed if you don't wake up at the crack of dawn to be productive? Just because those tips work for someone else does not mean they have to apply to you. And that's okay. Define success on your terms, not someone else's. CHALLENGE: Examine your business goals and work behaviors. Are you doing what's best for you, your business and your life or doing what you think you're supposed to do? Is there anything you need to change?…
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Digital Spring Cleaning!

Digital Spring Cleaning!

Business Development
It's just as important to clean and organize your technology and programs as it is to clean regularly in your home. Take better digital-care and you'll experience less frustration in the long run! 1. Unsubscribe from mailing lists that no longer serve you. 2. Clean up your inbox! Delete a few hundred per day until you get through them all. CHEAT CODE: Create a folder and put all emails there so that they are still searchable. 3. Reset those passwords that you don't know so that you can have easy access later. Do it now while you're not frustrated, so you'll be less stressed in those moments when you have to log alll the way back in. 4. Back up your files! Drag and drop your Desktop folder to a…
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5 Ways Stop Existing and Start Living

5 Ways Stop Existing and Start Living

Personal Development
Stop Existing. Start Living. Go to school, get a job, make a living and lot of money. That seems to always be the suggested ingredients to making a good life. I’ve come to realize however, it’s just not that simple. Drake was on to something when he said, “everybody dies but not everybody lives.” Although there’s nothing wrong with making a living, life should encompass more. Our goal should be to build a legacy founded on our life’s divine purpose. If you’re ready to truly live life to the full, here are the five things you need to do: 1.) Be Purpose-Driven Life is too short not to love what you do and to do what you love. If you awake every morning and ask yourself why, it may be…
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