When Was the Last Time You Told Yourself, “I’m Proud of You?”

When Was the Last Time You Told Yourself, “I’m Proud of You?”

Personal Development
I recently posted this question on Facebook and was very shocked at the responses. Many said they had never said it; others said they couldn’t remember the last time; and a few even replied that they felt they had no reason to utter the words. I was saddened as I realized that these responses were probably because people tend to disregard the importance of their own validation, or mistakenly feel that this statement carries with it a feeling of arrogance. So, I comprised a list that includes three reasons why you should be proud of yourself. 1. Growth – Anytime you notice an improvement in your life, you should be proud of yourself. This can include personal, mental/emotional and social habits. If there were issues you noted that you desired…
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